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Benefits of a Home Air Filtration System

Controlled Aire • February 19, 2019

Benefits of a Home Air Filtration System

There are many benefits to installing an air filtration system in your home. But, what is an air filtration system, and how does it work? When installed in your home, air filters use a system of fans to pull the air in your home through several filters that remove irritating airborne particles like pollen, dust, and bacteria. The air will circulate through the filter, sending clean air back into your home.

For families with members that have asthma or allergies, these filters can help reduce symptoms by removing irritants from the air. In particularly humid climates, it can help reduce the growth of mold and fungus and keep it from becoming airborne. Additionally, installing an air filtration system in your home can help lessen pet or cooking odors, slow the buildup of dust, and prolong the life of your HVAC. If you are interested in having Controlled Aire install an air filtration system in your home, or want to talk to us about our services, give us a call .

Should you have a Home Air Filtration System?

Wondering if a home air filtration system is right for you and your family? Here are a few things to consider: Does your family include someone with asthma, allergies, or another breathing condition? Do you live in an area that experiences high pollen count? Does someone in your home smoke? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it may be time to consider installing an air filter in your home. Additionally, if you have elderly individuals or young children lives in your home, it is wise to install an air filtration system to keep the air clean to reduce sickness.

Benefits of Home Air Filtration for Asthma and Allergies

One indicator that a home air filtration system is a good investment is if you or someone you live with has breathing complications or sensitivities. If you have asthma or allergies, installing an air filter in your home will improve air quality and provide ease of breathing by removing airborne irritants that cause symptoms. Missouri has some of the highest pollen counts in the nation, so even if you don’t have a chronic condition like asthma, consistent air filtration in your home can keep sniffles and sneezes at bay come springtime.

Types of Home Air Filtration Systems

If you’ve decided that a home air filter is right for you and your family, the next step is to consider the type of air filter you’d like to install. There are several to choose from, all with varied benefits. HEPA, or ‘high-efficiency particulate air’ filters are particularly skilled at removing allergy and asthma-causing pollutants from the air. HEPA filters trap 99.7 percent of all particles larger than 0.2 microns. This means out of 10,000 irritating particles, only about 3 will make it through the filter. Bacteria, spores, and mold are all 0.3 microns or larger, and easily trapped in this filter, keeping the air in your home virtually free from these irritating particles.

Another type of filter is an activated carbon filter.This filter uses absorbent pores to trap irritants. Activated carbon filters are great at removing smoke and odors, but they aren’t as effective at filtering dust and allergens out of the air. However, if you’re looking for is a filter that is predominantly for odor removal, this is a good option for you.

UV purifiers remove bacteria and viruses by using an ultraviolet germicidal light to kill airborne germs. This is a great option if you have elderly individuals or young children in your home. This kind of filter will help minimize the amount of airborne germs, which in turn keeps illness at bay.

Regardless of the kind of air filtration system you choose, you’ll have to maintain it in order to keep the filter clean and working properly. But don’t stress, Controlled Aire will work with you to create a maintenance plan so that you don’t have to worry about remembering when to replace your filter.

FAQs about Home Air Filtration Systems

Where are they installed?

  • They are a component of your heating and cooling system. Think about installing your filters in rooms where you spend the most time, like your bedroom or family room.

How often should my air filtration system be replaced?

  • Whole home air filters should be changed every three months. Schedule regular cleanings with us so that you don’t have to worry about remembering the last time it was changed. Replacing your filter regularly is crucial: a dirty filter means you’re breathing dirty air.

Do air filtration systems do anything to aid with energy efficiency?

  • Filters that are maintained properly can reduce energy usage up to 15 percent and protect your heating and cooling system.

Thinking about installing an air filtration system in your home? Give us a call to start breathing easier today.

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