As a homeowner, you want your heating and cooling system to last as long as possible with few repairs needed. The best method for making sure your HVAC system can function consistently is with a regular maintenance schedule. However, it’s important not just to call for maintenance, but to know how often your system needs to be serviced in Moberly, MO. Make the right call for your HVAC with this guide from our experienced local technicians!
Since mid-Missouri is an area that experiences both extreme heat and cold, your system should be optimized for all the seasons. In a much warmer climate like California, where the air conditioner is used all year long, a homeowner would call for AC maintenance more often. If your system in Moberly, MO is fairly new, it’s best to get an HVAC tune-up at least twice a year. A professional will change your air filters, inspect the ductwork, clean essential areas, and more to keep your unit in good shape.
The older your heating and cooling system gets, the more upkeep it will require to continue working efficiently. If you’ve had the same HVAC unit in your Moberly, MO home for several years, consider updating your tune-up routine. For an older system, you should call a technician once every four months to stay on top of things and prevent costly damages in the future.
Eventually, the parts of your HVAC system won’t be capable of functioning like they did in the past. After a decade of heating and cooling your mid-Missouri home, it may be time to replace it with a modern unit. If it’s becoming more expensive to repair and maintain your current unit than to buy a new one, don’t wait–call an HVAC professional in Moberly, MO for replacement service.
Controlled Aire will give an honest assessment of your heating and cooling system in Moberly, MO, and provide the perfect maintenance plan for preserving it. We also offer excellent HVAC installations and repairs! Contact us today and get year-round assistance on your HVAC system.